KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Implementation of a Remote Control and Monitoring System in Assembly Processes with Industrial Robot Kawasaki Rs003 Through the GSM Network in the Industrial Automation Laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanics

Published date: Dec 27 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Programming jointly held with the International Congress on Technology Education

Pages: 101–110

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i9.3648


H Cevallos -

J Gualacio

A Silva

P Montalvo


The control and monitoring of processes with industrial robot requires a means of remote communication that allows the operator to know the current state of the process in addition to sending new production parameters by means of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a compatible CP1242-7 module with the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), integrated into a multipurpose assembly station and based on experimentation to verify the correct functioning of the communication system through text messages.


Keywords: industrial robot, PLC, GSM, assembly


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