KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Adaptation of Radiative Properties of the End Products of Fuels Combustion within the Temperature Range of 1,000…2,000 K

Published date: Jul 17 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists (TIM'2018)

Pages: 185–192

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i5.2668


The accuracy of calculating heat exchange by radiation from high-temperature gas flow produced during natural fuels combustion to a large extent depends on the accuracy and status of data on thermophysical properties of gases and the value of the radiative heat flux. The main physical load is carried by the density of the intrinsic heat flux, but all the experimental data on gas mixtures radiation are given as a total emissivity of the components and the mixture in general. That is why this study determines the emissivity factor of carbon dioxide and water vapour as the main constituents of the products of industrial fuel combustion. Dependencies are developed based on reliable experimental data and allowed to perform emissivity factor calculations for the products of combustion. The accuracy of calculated approximation is determined for experimental data in the field of two factors: optical density of gas, and its temperature. The study results are recommended to be used
for developing heat exchange calculation programs.

Keywords: emissivity factor, radiation flux, temperature, carbon dioxide, water vapour


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