KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Impact of Applications of Electronic Environment on the Concepts of Urban Planning—Postmodernism Era

Published date: May 03 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Postmodern Urban and Regional Planning in Iraq

Pages: 115–129

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i4.2165


In this humble research, the researcher sought to explain the overlapping effect of the post-modern electronic shopping technology on urban relations and the components of the urban environment in the context of the impact of the concepts of space, time, and movement, sense of place and components of the environment as a product of this use. It also aims to refer to the role of the Urban Planner in considering these impacts when developing the urban plan in the future. The researcher relied on the reference to the effects of this technology on human being, activity and land uses and their relationship with the components of the spatial urban environment. A questionnaire was prepared for a sample of stakeholders - users of this technique - and analysis of the results according to each activity. The results showed an increase in the business and a tendency to neutralize the effectiveness of the spatial location while using the electronic shopping tools. New patterns of entrepreneurs/ business were appeared depending on the size of investment in communication and electronic shopping. The results also showed that the sense of place is still present while making classic shopping against the time and cost offered electronically. The impact on the option of making or cancellation of trips
were an important component in this survey. The technology of communication and exchange of information within their virtual environment and communication enabled the provision of remote services and changed the concepts of movement and communication, sense of place. But, despite the rapid spread of these easy communication applications, the researcher believes that it still does not compensate for The urban side that fills the space and the real location and distributes activities on the ground. The integration of building components, components and tools of technology and communications can be beneficial to both directions. It Increases the use of communications for the largest number of users while at the same time supporting
the urban presence of an enhanced electronic presence of ground-based services.


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