KnE Energy

ISSN: 2413-5453

The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources

Evaluation Of Radionuclides Release Estimation Of Power Reactor Using Scdap / Relap

Published date: Sep 20 2016

Journal Title: KnE Energy

Issue title: International Conference on Nuclear Energy Technologies and Sciences (2015)

Pages: 124-133

DOI: 10.18502/ken.v1i1.468


Incident of radiation release to the environment is important event in reactor safety analysis. Numerous studies have been conducted using various computer codes, including SCDAP/RELAP, to calculate radionuclide releases into the reactor coolant during severe accident. This paper contains description of calculation results of radionuclide release from reactor core to primary coolant system in a1000 MW PWR reactor with the aim to study behavior of radionuclide releases during severe accident. The calculations using SCDAP/RELAP was done by assuming that there has been a station black out which ends up with some vapor released into the containment. As a result, the water level in core was reduced up to a level where the core is no longer covered by water. The uncovered core heats up to certain temperature where the oxidation of the cladding started to occur.  Afterwards the oxidation generated heat made fuel melting temperature reached and as consequences the release of radionuclide to the primary coolant.  The calculations show that in parallel with the increasing of fuel temperature, the radionuclide releases into the gap through diffusion started at time of 2000seconds after initial simulation but with a neglected concentration. Subsequently at the time of 29200seconds, the temperature reached more than 1000 K and the oxidation of the Zr-cladding material occurred which accelerated the fuel temperature increase and as well as radionuclide release. At34000seconds, maximum temperature of core reached 2800 K and radionuclide release into the primary cooling system started. At this time, accumulated dissolve fission product reached amount of 74.5 kg, while the non-condensable radionuclide reached 122 kg. However, these value need to be investigated further.


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