KnE Energy
ISSN: 2413-5453
The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources
Radionuclide Disperse To Environtment From Pwr Reactor On Severe Accident Condition Using Maccs Program
Published date: Sep 20 2016
Journal Title: KnE Energy
Issue title: International Conference on Nuclear Energy Technologies and Sciences (2015)
Pages: 106-114
The atmosphere is an important pathway in the transfer of radionuclides from nuclear power plants into the environment and population. Acceptance of radiation dose to the environment and population affected by the radionuclides release and site conditions surrounding of the nuclear power plant. The radionuclides release in the atmosphere is determined by the dispersion coefficient parameter. The aim of this paper is to obtain dispersion coefficient and radionuclide released in Sebagin (West Bangka district) caused by severe accident condition from the PWR Nuclear Power Plant. Dispersion analysis of radionuclides into the environment from nuclear power PWR on severe accident conditions have been done using MACCS program. Reference for the calculation of source term fraction is selected from calculation results of the MELCOR computer code and it is implemented to PWR reactors Westinghouse 3411 MWth subject. The calculation of radionuclides release performed using MACCS program for aspiring nuclear power plant site in West Bangka. Simulation calculations for the area radius from 0.80 kmup to 20 km from the nuclear power plant site are performed. Meteorological datas used in calculation are the meteorology data from Sebagin meteorological stations for the years of 2012 period. The result is the dispersion coefficient decreases as a function of time and distance. The concentration of radionuclides through soil pathway decreases as a function of the distance, and the dominant contributor of radionuclide radiation Xe-133 and I-131. Radionuclide concentrations obtained through the air pathway decreases as a function of distance, and dominant contributors of radionuclide radiation is contributed also from I-131 and Xe-133. The presence of I-131 radionuclides are giving dangerous to humans, it is necessary to further treatment for prevent its impacts.
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