KnE Energy
ISSN: 2413-5453
The latest conference proceedings on energy science, applications and resources
Evaluation Of Operating Performance Of The Reactor Coolant System Of Rsg-Gas Using Chemcad6.1.4
Published date: Sep 20 2016
Journal Title: KnE Energy
Issue title: International Conference on Nuclear Energy Technologies and Sciences (2015)
Pages: 45-54
Evaluation of the operation of reactor main coolant system RSG-GAS is very important. This is related with the operation of the reactor that has been going on more than 27 years although the current reactor coolant system is still operating safely. The main coolant system RSG-GAS including both the primary and secondary cooling system. Evaluation can be conducted by calculating the coolant system performance by using the ChemCad6.1.4 software. Furthermore, this calculation result is compared with the most recent measurement in the cooling system operation. By this way it can be known the performance degradation in the Reactor Coolant System operation.The operating parameter data of primary and secondary cooling system are temperature, pressure and flow rate of coolant. The reactor operation at the power of 15 MW is used as a reference data.The calculation result shows that the temperature parameter between calculation by ChemCad and the measurement data qualitatively is no significant deviations. However in the secondary coolant system, the outlet pressure of both heat exchanger nozzles are 0.8bar and 1.2bar that indicate lower than the calculation results. It’s may be caused by the flow disturbances through the tube-side of heat exchangers. In generally the existing operating parameters on the reactor cooling system in terms of safety aspects still under safely condition.
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