KnE Energy

ISSN: 2413-5453

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Effect Of U-9mo/Al Fuel Densities On Neutronic And Steady State Thermal Hydraulic Parameters Of Mtr Type Research Reactor

Published date: Sep 20 2016

Journal Title: KnE Energy

Issue title: International Conference on Nuclear Energy Technologies and Sciences (2015)

Pages: 12-21

DOI: 10.18502/ken.v1i1.456


The objectives of this research work are to carry out a detailed neutronic and steady state thermal hydraulics analysis for a MTR research reactor fuelled with the low enrichment U-9Mo/Al dispersion fuels of various uranium densities. The high density uranium fuel will increase the cycle length of the reactor operation and the heat flux in the reactor core. The increasing heat flux at the fuel will causing increase the temperature of the fuel and cladding so that the coolant velocity has to be increased. However, the coolant velocity in the fuel element has a limit value due to the thermal hydraulic stability considerations in the core.  Therefore, the neutronic and the steady state thermal hydraulic analysis are important in the design and operation of nuclear reactor safety.  The calculations were performed using WIMS-D5 and MTRDYN codes. The WIMS-D5 code used for generating the group constants of all core materials as well as the neutronic and steady state thermal hydraulic parameters   were determined by using the MTRDYN code. The calculation results showed that the excess reactivity increases as the uranium density increases since the mass of fuel in the reactor core is increased.  Using the critical velocity concept, the maximum coolant velocity at fuel channel is 11.497 m/s.  The maximum temperatures of the coolant, cladding and fuel meat with the uranium density of 3,66 g/cc are 70.85°C, 150.79°C and 153.24°C, respectively.  The maximum temperatures are fulfilled the design limit so reactor has a safe operation at the nominal power.


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