Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology
ISSN: 2310-7588
The latest research in infertility and reproductive medicine from across the world
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology (JIRB) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of infertility and reproductive sciences. The Journal welcomes original research contributions (previously unpublished) from all established areas of infertility and reproductive sciences.
Our journal covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Infertility
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
- Reproductive Physiology
- Immunology of Reproduction
- Reproductive Health
- Epidemiology of Infertility
- Diagnostic Methods
- Andrology
- Stem Cell Research
- Genetics of Reproduction
- Occupational Hazards and Infertility
- Donations in Infertility Treatment
- Cloning
- Psychological Aspects of Infertility
- Contraception
- Fertility Preservation
- Nursing Role in ART
- Animal Reproduction