Journal of Excellence in Wellness and Environmental Studies
The latest studies on sustainability, environment, health, and well-being
Submission Guidelines
Before you start – is this journal right for you? Please check the journal’s scope, and if you have any questions, contact: publishing@knowledgee.com or JEWES@hbmsu.ac.ae
Author Responsibilities
We want to provide you with an easy and professional experience at every stage of your publishing journey.
To help us achieve this goal, you, as the author, also have some responsibilities. These include:
- Responding quickly to queries during the review and publication process
- Taking responsibility for all aspects of your work, including ensuring copyright is not violated, and permissions are obtained, and swiftly resolving any issues relating to the integrity and accuracy of your research, should any arise.
- Familiarize yourself with our ethical policies for authors and comply with all of our guidelines, including acknowledging everyone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the submitted manuscript.
Preparing Your Submission
We offer a full array of manuscript preparation services to help improve the quality of your manuscript, save time, and maximize the impact of your research. Our easy-to-use platform connects authors with relevant experts in language support, translation, editing, statistical review and more. More details are available here.
Please note that this is an optional service and does not guarantee acceptance.
Manuscript Requirements
The Journal of Excellence in Wellness and Environmental Studies accepts the following types of manuscripts: Original research articles, review articles, case studies, policy briefs, short communications, book reviews
Manuscript Preparation
The entire document should be in Times New Roman or Times font. Type 3 fonts must not be used. Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes. The title must be in 14 pt Bold font. Author names must be in 12 pt Regular font. Author affiliation and the corresponding author must be in 9 pt Italic.
The first page must contain:
The manuscript title, names of all authors with their affiliations and ORCID IDs, and corresponding author’s contact information.
The full name of the authors should be added to the manuscript. Please do not use a short form of the author’s name, such as M.R. Salehikar.
Abstract and Keywords
An abstract of about 4-6 should be included, and appropriate keywords listed, preferably selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
Utilize the APA 7 for references (Year, Author) for citation.
Tables and Figures
Figures and tables should be clear, legible, and labeled with informative captions. Use Arabic numerals to number figures and tables sequentially (e.g., Figure 1, Table 2). Include sources or permissions for figures and tables if they are reproduced from other sources.
Workflow and What Happens Next
- Author receives an automated email noting receipt of submission
- The editor reads and decides whether to send the manuscript to peer review or to reject it if it is not a fit with the journal aims and scope or the quality is not high enough for the journal
- If the editor thinks it is suitable for publication, the manuscript is sent to two independent reviewers for double-blind peer review
- The reviewer reports are returned to the editor
- The editor decides whether to reject, return with minor or major suggestions for improvements and resubmission, or accept
- If the editor decides that improvements are needed, the paper is sent back to the authors
- The authors make the suggested corrections
- Authors will receive a decision within about 14 days. If you have not received an answer after this point, please email publishing@knowledgee.com and journal email to request an update.
If accepted, the manuscript will then undergo the following steps:
- Proofing and typesetting
- Author checks
- Editor checks
- Galley proof preparation
- Final checks
- Publishing online