- Acceptance Rate 60%
- Acceptance to Publication 90 days
- Annual Article Views 10,578
- No. of Articles 50
- Citescore
- Impact Factor
ISSN: 2707-6180 (Print) 2707-6199 (Online)
Pioneering research advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and healthcare practices.
ISSN: 2707-6180 (Print) 2707-6199 (Online)
Pioneering research advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and healthcare practices.
Our primary aim is to serve as a beacon for researchers, healthcare practitioners, and educators, offering a platform for disseminating groundbreaking medical research, encouraging the exploration of emerging trends, and facilitating discussions on medical discoveries that have the potential to transform healthcare. Through a rigorous peer-review process, we strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and ethical publishing. Our goal is to foster collaboration, encourage evidence-based practices, and contribute to the betterment of healthcare, all while promoting the unique perspectives and contributions of the global medical community.
Name: Nadiar M. Mussin, MD, PhD, Professor
Title: Co-Editor-in-Chief
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