- Acceptance rate 85%
- Acceptance to Publication 61 days
- Annual Article Views 4,614
- No. of Articles 68
- Citescore
- Impact Factor
ISSN: 2789-9462
Leading research in all spine subspecialties focusing on orthopaedic spine, neurosurgery, radiology, and pain management.
ISSN: 2789-9462
Leading research in all spine subspecialties focusing on orthopaedic spine, neurosurgery, radiology, and pain management.
The Journal of Spine Practice (JSP) was founded by the Saudi Spine Society with the vision to be an international, platinum Open Access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed spine journal. JSP aims to promote spine care excellence by disseminating high-quality research in spine care.
This is a multidisciplinary journal of all spine subspecialties focusing on orthopaedic spine, neurosurgery, diagnostic and interventional radiology, anaesthesia and pain management, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, rheumatology, physical therapy, nursing, chiropractic, and alternative medicine, in addition to other related disciplines.
The advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) in lumbar degenerative diseases have been well described (less tissue damage, shorter hospital stay, better results in pain assessment).
Name: Saleh S. Baeesa, MBChB, FRCSC
Title: Editor-in-Chief
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-3053-7912