- Acceptance Rate 76%
- Acceptance to Publication 72 Days
- Annual Article Views 21,791
- No. of Articles 62
- Citescore
- Impact Factor
ISSN: 2518-6590
Groundbreaking research on nutrition, physical activity, and public health from across the Arab world.
The Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal established in 2017. The journal encourages the dissemination of rigorous and innovative research in the fields of nutrition and exercise sciences, especially focussing on the role of, and developments in, these two interlinked disciplines in the Arab region, and seeks to promote both traditional and new areas of research in nutrition, physical activity, and public health research across the Arab world,
Given the rising increase in the use of herbal products among the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population, this study aims to explore the level of knowledge, attitude, and beliefs about the use of herbal medicine among the public in Abu Dhabi.