KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The 2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd)

This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference The 2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd) held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on the 3rd-4th of October 2020. This event was hosted by the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

The theme of this conference was “Developing Meaningful Education Towards Transforming Society 5.0 for the Betterment of Human Lives”. It was held to bring together academics, practitioners and independent researchers from various educational fields to share and exchange knowledge, practices, and ideas on areas related to education, particularly meaningful education.

This collection contains 56 peer-reviewed papers. The research covers topics such as challenges and approaches to online learning, and examining the self-efficacy, knowledge, skills and training-needs of teachers and school principals, while several papers cover efforts to examine and strengthen positive character traits of students such as humility and self-acceptance, and discourage aggression, bullying and procrastination. Other themes include supporting the education of children with special needs, disabilities and health issues, and empowering communities and promoting equal access to education for poor and vulnerable children. This research is set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, and includes philosophical, cultural and indigenous knowledge perspectives.

These papers will be of interest to academics, students and professionals researching or working on innovations or current issues related to educational policies, practices, technology, curriculum, instruction, leadership and management, or professional development at any educational level.

Conference date: 3–4 October 2020
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia 
Organizer: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Editor: Dr. Puji Yanti Fauziah, M.Pd  
Published: 29 December 2021 
ISSN: 2518-668X