International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
ISSN: 2476-3772
The latest discoveries in all areas of reproduction and reproductive technology.
The influence of men’s masculine gender-role attitude and behaviour on sexual relationships and reproductive health in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study
Published date: Aug 16 2021
Journal Title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
Issue title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (IJRM): Volume 19, Issue No. 7
Pages: 663–670
Background: This article is an extension of previous research on masculinity and sexual and reproductive health using a newly developed local masculinity scale, KANITA Masculinity Scale, to study men’s masculine gender-role attitude and behavior in Malaysia.
Objective: To explore how Malaysian men’s masculine gender-role attitude and behavior influence sexual relationships and reproductive health.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study used the localized genderequitable men scale to measure the attitude of Malaysian men toward sexual relationships and reproductive health. A questionnaire survey was administered to a sample of 168 men of ages 20–64 yr, in Malaysia. Data were analyzed using SmartPLS version 3.2.6.
Results: The findings of the study showed that men’s traditional behavior and controlling nature are positively associated with the inequality in sexual relationships (p < 0.05, t = 1.838; and p < 0.05, t = 3.750, respectively) and reproductive health (p < 0.05, t = 2.196; and p < 0.05, t = 4.133, respectively). In other words, men who offer stronger endorsement of traditional behavior and control over women report more negative condom attitude and greater priority of men’s desire in sexual relationships. In contrast, there was no significant relationship between men’s response to family and feminine roles in men with sexual relationships and reproductive health.
Conclusion: Our findings highlight the importance of considering traditional masculinity ideology when considering the role of men in sexual relationships and reproductive health. Our findings suggest gender transformative policies and programs seeking to inspire men for more gender-equitable relationships with their partners.
Key words: Attitudes, Masculinity, Gender-role, Sexual health, Reproductive health, Malaysia.
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