International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
ISSN: 2476-3772
The latest discoveries in all areas of reproduction and reproductive technology.
Complementary effects of coenzyme Q10 and Lepidium sativum supplementation on the reproductive function of mice: An experimental study
Published date: Aug 16 2021
Journal Title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
Issue title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (IJRM): Volume 19, Issue No. 7
Pages: 607–618
Background: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Lepidium sativum (LS) have therapeutic effects on infertility.
Objective: To evaluate the combined effects of LS and CoQ10 on reproductive function in adult male NMRI mice.
Materials and Methods: Eighty three-months-old male mice (35–40 gr) were divided into four groups (n = 10/each): control (treated with water), CoQ10-treated (200, 300, and 400 mg/kg/body weight), LS-treated (200, 400, 600 mg/kg/body weight), and co-treated (LS [600 mg/kg/body weight] + CoQ10 [200 mg/kg/body weight]) groups. Serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin realizing hormone (GnRH) levels were measured using ELISA method. The sperm quality was assessed using Sperm Class Analyzer® (SCA) CASA system and GnRH mRNA expression levels were evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Results: The number of sniffing and following behavior was significantly higher in LStreated (400 and 600 mg/ml/body weight) groups than the control group (p = 0.0007 and p = 0.0010, respectively). The number of mounting and coupling behaviors was significantly higher in the CoQ10 (300 and 400 mg/ml/body weight)-treated animals than the control group (p = 0.0170 and p = 0.0006, respectively). Co-treatment of CoQ10 (200 mg/ml/body weight) and LS (600 mg/ml/body weight) significantly increased all aspects of sexual behaviors as well as the levels of serum testosterone (p = 0.0011), luteinizing hormone (p = 0.0062), and follicle-stimulating hormone (p = 0.0001); sperm viability (p = 0.0300) and motility (p = 0.0010); and GnRH mRNA levels (p = 0.0016) compared to the control group.
Conclusion: The coadministration of CoQ10 and LS significantly improves the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and enhances the reproductive parameters in adult male mice.
Key words: Lepidium sativum, Coenzyme Q10, Infertility, Male reproductive function.
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