International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine

ISSN: 2476-3772

The latest discoveries in all areas of reproduction and reproductive technology.


A case–control study to predict the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus by initial fasting blood sugar or past gestational history

Published date: Apr 22 2021

Journal Title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine

Issue title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (IJRM): Volume 19, Issue No. 4

Pages: 381–390

DOI: 10.18502/ijrm.v19i4.9064


Tahmineh Ezazi Bojnorditahmine_ezazi@yahoo.comDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Loghman Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Sedigheh HantoushzadehDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Masomeh SabzevaryDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Zahra HeidariDepartment of Histology, Genetic of Non-communicable Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran


Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) deserves proper prevention, diagnosis, and management due to healthcare implications from both maternal and fetal concerns.

Objective: To evaluate the rate and investigate the risk factors for developing GDM.

Materials and Methods: In this case-control, universal screening for GDM between 24 and 28 wk of gestation was performed in 613 pregnant women attending a prenatal clinic in Tehran who were followed-up until delivery between March 2017 to March 2018. Of the 613 women, 143 had GDM and 470 had normal glucose tolerance test as the primary diagnosis. Some GDM risk factors were compared in two groups.

Results: Impaired glucose tolerance test was detected in 143 (23.3%) patients. Prevalence of GDM was higher in the first-trimester fasting blood sugar (FBS) > 90 qmg/dl group (p < 0.001). Comparison of the GDM and the normal glucose tolerance test groups demonstrated significant differences in maternal age, first-trimester FBS, third-trimester vitamin D level, maternal platelet count, maternal body mass index (BMI) (before 12 wk of gestation), weight gain during pregnancy, and the history of gestational complications in previous pregnancy (p < 0.01). In logistic regression, GDM was independently associated with older maternal age, higher first-trimester FBS, the history of gestational complications in previous pregnancy, lower third-trimester vitamin D level, and higher maternal platelet count (p < 0.01).

Conclusion: Both patients with higher initial FBS and the history of gestational complications in previous pregnancy should be considered high risk for GDM and screened earlier.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Gestational, Blood glucose, Risk factor.


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