International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
ISSN: 2476-3772
The latest discoveries in all areas of reproduction and reproductive technology.
The effect of Henna (Lawsonia inermis) vaginal suppository combined with antibiotic therapy in the treatment of cervicitis: An RCT
Published date: Jun 08 2024
Journal Title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
Issue title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (IJRM): Volume 22, Issue No. 4
Pages: 269 - 282
Background: Cervicitis is a prevalent gynecologic disease, which does not usually respond to conventional treatments. Long-term cervicitis can cause serious health problems such as inflammation, infertility, and cancer. Henna oil, an herbal product in Persian medicine, is recommended for uterine diseases like cervicitis.
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of Henna oil as a vaginal suppository in combination with an antibiotic regimen in the treatment of cervicitis.
Materials and Methods: This randomized placebo-controlled trial, included 92 nonmenopausal women with cervicitis at the Baqaipur Clinic of Shahid Sadoughi hospital in Yazd and the Persian Medicine Health Center in Ardakan, Yazd, Iran. Participants were further divided into either the Henna oil vaginal suppository group or the placebo group (n = 46/each group). During the study, the antibiotic treatment was administered to both groups. Cervicitis symptoms were compared between the groups and within each group. Results: Of 92 included individuals, 41 in each group completed the study.
Results: revealed that significant differences were observed in some outcomes, including vaginal discharge (p < 0.001), cervical ulcer size (p < 0.001), dyspareunia (p = 0.046), and postcoital bleeding (p < 0.001), indicating that the treatment was more effective in the henna group compared to the placebo group.
Conclusion: Findings supported that the vaginal suppository of Henna oil in combination with antibiotic therapy could be effective in the improvement of clinical symptoms of cervicitis regardless of its pathology.
Key words: Lawsonia inermis, Persian+traditional medicine, Uterine cervicitis, Infertility, Vaginal suppository, Clinical trial.
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