International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
ISSN: 2476-3772
The latest discoveries in all areas of reproduction and reproductive technology.
Corrigendum to “Correlation between clinical and laboratory parameters and early pregnancy loss in assisted reproductive technology cycles: A cross-sectional study” [Int J Reprod BioMed 2022; 20: 683-690]
Published date: Nov 02 2022
Journal Title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine
Issue title: International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (IJRM): Volume 20, Issue No. 10
Pages: 883
The authors have been informed of an error that occurred on page 684 in which the number of participants should be replaced with 408 instead of 480. On behalf of the author, the publisher wishes to apologize for this error. The online version of article has been updated on 23 October 2022 and can be found at