ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
ISSN: 2789-5009
Leading Ecuadorian research in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
Evaluation of the Agreements of the National Reforestation Program in the Santiago de Quito, Palmira, Pistishi and Compud parishes, Chimborazo Province
Published date: Aug 29 2021
Journal Title: ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
Issue title: Volume 1, Issue 4
Pages: 1142 - 1154
The objective of this study was to evaluate the Forest Restoration agreements, by means of sampling the equivalent of 10% of the entire ground surface and 10% of the total land, in which control points were established in order to estimate the planted area; for the verification of land for reforestation, the control points were issued from the central office, which were located in the field with GPS; then the systematization of the data collected in the field was carried out. In the Palmira parish, the area evaluated showed 39.38 ha (74.94%) in which there were indications of planting, and 12.84 ha (26.06%) that did not show signs of planting; 57 farms were evaluated, of which 14 (71.93%) presented evidence of planting and 16 farms (28.07%) had no such evidence. In the Pistishi parish, the area evaluated had 36.27 ha (93.81%) in which there were signs of planting, and 2.39 ha (6.19%) that did not show signs of planting; 29 farms were evaluated, of which 22 (75.86%) presented evidence of planting and 2 (24.14%) had no evidence of planting. The properties evaluated in the Santiago de Quito and Compud parishes were considered for reforestation.
Keywords: forest restoration, inventory, biodiversity, reforestation.
El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar los convenios de Restauración Forestal, mediante un muestreo equivalente al 10% de toda la superficie y el 10% del total de los predios, en los que se establecieron puntos de control con la finalidad de estimar la superficie plantada; para la verificación de predios para la reforestación, desde central fue emitido los puntos de control los mismos que fueron ubicados en campo con GPS; seguidamente se realizó la sistematización de los datos recogidos en campo. En la parroquia Palmira se evalúo un área plantada de 39,38 ha (74,94%) en el que se registró indicios de haberse plantado, 12,84 ha (26,06%) no presento indicios de plantación; se evaluaron 57 predios de los cuales 14 (71,93%) presentó plantaciones y 16 predios (28,07%) no se registra indicios de plantación. En ella Parroquia Pistishi se evalúo un área de 36,27 ha (93,81%) en el que se registró indicios de plantación, 2,39 ha (6,19%) no presento indicios de plantación; se evaluaron 29 predios de los cuales 22 (75,86%) presentó evidencias de plantación y 2 (24,14%) no se registra indicios de plantación. Los predios evaluados en las parroquias Santiago de Quito y Compud fueron consideraron para la reforestación.
Palabras clave: restauración forestal, inventario, biodiversidad, reforestación.
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