ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
ISSN: 2789-5009
Leading Ecuadorian research in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
Utilization of Guarango (Caesalpinia spinosa) in the Province of Loja
Published date: Nov 09 2023
Journal Title: ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
Issue title: Volume 3 Issue 1
Pages: 34–52
Guarango (Caesalpinia spinosa) was studied in different parts of Loja province, mainly Loja, Catamayo, Gonzanamá, and Paltas, to use this species in the food and chemical industries because many studies in our country show that this species is not correctly used. It started with studies of the yields according to the place and time of recollection, after which the correct treatment was found, like the kind of grinding to optimize the handling of the sample, the chemical determination (tannins) in the pod, and its bromatological characteristics (moisture, fat, and protein). The chemical determination of tannins was done through titration of a macerated pod using carmine indigo and KMnO4 to 0,1 N, while bromatological determination with moisture, fat, and protein was applied using the standard methods of AOAC 7003, AOAC 7.056 y AOAC 47.021, respectively. In these results, it was found that there is little variability in experiments of percent of integument, endosperm, and germ, while in experiments of moisture, the amount of pod and seeds had significant differences. In addition, the percentage of tannins was excellent for use in the leather industry. While the germen had qualities of a good food supplement due to its high fat and protein content and low moisture. Finally, a method of extraction of the guarango parts could be designed that can be easily replicable by farmers. Based on the results, we can conclude that it is possible to establish ventures with guarango (C. spinosa) due to the remarkable properties of this species in food, textiles, and other industries.
Keywords: Caesalpinia spinosa, guarango, pod, germ, used.
Se realizó un estudio sobre el guarango (Caesalpinia spinosa) de diferentes cantones de la provincia de Loja, principalmente: Loja, Catamayo, Gonzanamá y Paltas, con la finalidad de aprovechar esta especie ofreciendo alternativas de uso dentro de la industria química y alimentaria ya que, según estudios realizados, dentro de nuestro país no es aprovechada. Se partió desde el estudio de rendimientos según el lugar y tiempos de recolección, posterior a esto se buscó el tratamiento adecuado como molienda para el manejo óptimo de la muestra, la determinación química (taninos) en vaina y bromatológica (humedad grasa y proteína). Para la determinación química (taninos) se realizó titulación al macerado de la vaina usando índigo carmín y KMnO4 al 0,1 N, mientras que para determinación bromatológica como la humedad, grasa y proteína se aplicó métodos estandarizados de la AOAC 7003, AOAC 7.056 y AOAC 47.021, respectivamente. En los resultados se obtuvo ensayos que demostraron la poca variabilidad del porcentaje de tegumento, endospermo y germen, mientras que en los ensayos de humedad, cantidad de vainas y semillas, taninos, hay variabilidades significativas.
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