ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
ISSN: 2789-5009
Leading Ecuadorian research in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
Application of Regulation 005/18 of the ARCONEL and the Satisfaction Levels of the Consumers of Electrical Companies in Ecuador
Published date: Oct 06 2022
Journal Title: ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of S.T.E.A.M.
Issue title: Volume 2 Issue 6
Pages: 1437 - 1450
In recent decades, electricity has become the primary axis for strengthening industrial development. This comes with an increased demand for electrical power. The aspect of fitting into an Electric Future, with energy as the basis of development for society, makes it necessary to have different networks, with new technological growth opportunities and expectations. The challenge is to become a platform for distributed services, which is why the transformation of the electrical sector requires innovation and achieving national and international quality standards through the adoption of new and best practices. This research sought to determine the relationship between the application of ARCONEL regulation 005/2018 and the satisfaction levels of the consumers of electrical services, by complying with the quality indexes of the marketing and distribution processes and analyzing the aspects of generation, transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution of electricity. First, the bibliographic review was carried out of publications directly addressing issues connected with this research. Then, a user survey and an interview with EERSA officials were conducted to establish and understand the object of the study using the data provided by the participants. With this, it was identified that service quality indicators must be included in the strategic planning of the institution so that they are evaluated and also to implement incentive programs that involve the workers to achieve the institutional objectives and goals. Keywords: quality of the electrical service, marketing, distribution regulation 005/2018 ARCONEL, customer satisfaction.In recent decades, electricity has become the primary axis for strengthening industrial development. This comes with an increased demand for electrical power. The aspect of fitting into an Electric Future, with energy as the basis of development for society, makes it necessary to have different networks, with new technological growth opportunities and expectations. The challenge is to become a platform for distributed services, which is why the transformation of the electrical sector requires innovation and achieving national and international quality standards through the adoption of new and best practices. This research sought to determine the relationship between the application of ARCONEL regulation 005/2018 and the satisfaction levels of the consumers of electrical services, by complying with the quality indexes of the marketing and distribution processes and analyzing the aspects of generation, transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution of electricity. First, the bibliographic review was carried out of publications directly addressing issues connected with this research. Then, a user survey and an interview with EERSA officials were conducted to establish and understand the object of the study using the data provided by the participants. With this, it was identified that service quality indicators must be included in the strategic planning of the institution so that they are evaluated and also to implement incentive programs that involve the workers to achieve the institutional objectives and goals.
Keywords: quality of the electrical service, marketing, distribution regulation 005/2018 ARCONEL, customer satisfaction.
En las últimas décadas, la energía eléctrica se ha convertido en el eje primordial para fortalecer el desarrollo industrial, este progreso lleva consigo un aumento a la demanda, con mayores exigencias en la calidad del servicio eléctrico, siendo esta, fundamental y necesaria para el rendimiento y perfeccionamiento técnico-eléctrico de este avance. El aspecto de encajar a un futuro eléctrico, con la energía como base del desarrollo para toda la sociedad, hace necesaria contar con una red diferente, con nuevas oportunidades y expectativas en el crecimiento tecnológico; el reto es constituirse en una plataforma para servicios distribuidos, por lo que la transformación del sector eléctrico requiere innovación logrando alcanzar estándares de calidad nacionales e internacionales mediante la adopción de nuevas y mejores prácticas. Esta investigación buscó determinar la relación y la incidencia en la aplicación de la regulación 005/2018 de ARCONEL y el nivel de satisfacción de los consumidores del servicio eléctrico, cumpliendo con los índices de calidad de los procesos de comercialización y distribución en búsqueda desde el área de generación, transmisión, sub-transmisión y distribución un sistema eléctrico eficiente, para lo cual, han sido elaborados algunos procedimientos, a saber: en primera instancia se realizó la revisión bibliográfica, donde se abordan temas directamente conectados con esta investigación. Consecutivamente, se aplicó como herramienta metodológica una encuesta a los usuarios y entrevista a los funcionarios de la EERSA, con la finalidad de establecer y conocer la realidad del objeto de estudio a través de los datos proporcionados por los actores involucrados. Con ello, se identificó incluir los indicadores de calidad del servicio en la planificación estratégica de la institución para que sean evaluados e implementar programas de incentivos los mismos que involucren a los trabajadores para la consecución de los objetivos y metas institucionales.
Palabras Clave: calidad del servicio eléctrico, comercialización, distribución regulación 005/2018 ARCONEL, satisfacción al cliente.
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