Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise
ISSN: 2518-6590
Groundbreaking research on nutrition, physical activity, and public health from across the Arab world.
Weight Management for Athletes: Important Things to be Considered
Published date: Nov 12 2017
Journal Title: Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise
Issue title: AJNE: Vol 1, No 3 (2016)
Pages: 155-170
Weight management is difficult for most individuals, as indicated by the high numbers of obesity around the world. Obesity has increased dramatically over the past decades. Unfortunately, this epidemic is not limited to adults but also to children in both globally and Cyprus. Developing a weight management plan is essential for everyone. Regarding to an athlete, weight management is an increasingly integral part, as consuming the right kind of food can lead them in success or failure. The special nutritional needs of athletes are depending on the sport. The most important priority for them is to establish a well-chosen nutrition program based on the type of the sport; the training load and the competitions needs. Health professionals and sport nutritionists need to understand dynamic energy balance and be prepared with effective and evidence-based dietary approaches to help athletes and active individuals achieve their body-weight goals. Therefore, the following review aiming to examine the most recent published data for weight-management both elite and recreational athletes of all ages, and to set out the most appropriate weight-management guidelines and dietary strategies to help them apply this knowledge to the practicalities of their own sport and individual situation.
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