Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise

ISSN: 2518-6590

Groundbreaking research on nutrition, physical activity, and public health from across the Arab world.

Dietary Intakes and Nutritional Status of a Greek Team of Female Volleyball Players

Published date: Nov 12 2017

Journal Title: Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise

Issue title: AJNE: Vol 1, No 1 (2016)

Pages: 1-14

DOI: 10.18502/ajne.v1i1.1219


Galanis Nikiforos -

Kleftouris George

Alafropatis Ilias

Oral Onur

Tsiridis Eleftherios

Sayegh Fares

Kirkos John


Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the dietary intakes and nutritional status of a nationally ranked team of female volleyball players.

Methods: The subjects completed a general history questionnaire and 7-day food and physical activity records. Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, triceps and subscapular skinfolds and mid-upper-arm circumference. Biochemical assessment included parameters for protein, lipid, and iron status.

Results: All subjects had normal menstrual cycles and body fat values (27 %) at levels higher than for optimum performance. Most were in negative energy balance and had low energy (30 kcal/kg/d), carbohydrate (3.8 g/kg/d) and protein (1.0 g/kg/d) intakes. Fat intakes were high (39 %) and micronutrient intakes were below recommended levels, except for vitamin C, vitamin B12 and niacin. Biochemical indices were normal except for iron and lipid status of some players.

Conclusion: These results indicate that the players of this team have dietary intakes that place them at risk for nutritional shortages and compromised performance; they need professional counseling regarding nutrition practices for optimum health and performance.


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