Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

ISSN: 1858-5051

High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa

Patterns and clinical presentation of Foreign Bodies in ENT among Sudanese Children in Khartoum state hospitals.

Published date: Sep 06 2017

Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 12 (2017), Issue No. 3

Pages: 151 - 162

DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v12i3.928


Rana Ahmed Abdelrahman Nasirranaalnaseeh@gmail.comMBBS, MD ORL, Consultant ENT El Taief KSAENT

Sharfi Abdelgadir Omer Ahmeddoctorsharfi@gmail.comOmdurman Islamic University Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine and health scienceENT

Ibrahim Gaffar Ibrahimdoctorsharfi@gmail.comMBBS, MD ORL,Consultant ENT ,Khartoum Sudan


Abstract: -

Background: Foreign bodies (FBs) in ENT are a common problem in Sudanese children and are associated with life threatening complications.

Objectives: To study the patterns and presenting symptoms of children who are presented with foreign bodies Inhalation, Ingestion and insertion in the Nose and Ears.

Methodology: This is a prospective hospital based descriptive study, conducted at Khartoum ENT Hospitals  from March 2013 to January 2015.

Result: 150 patients with foreign bodies were studied in Khartoum ENT Hospitals. The commonest age group between 3–6 years in 64% of patients. Male to Female ratio is1.3:1.

F.Bs  nose constituted higher percentage in (28%) of cases, F.Bs  inhalations were presented in(24.7%), F.Bs  ear were presented in (24.7%) and F.Bs  ingestion were presented in (22.7%).Regarding the type of inhalations, peanut was presented in (56.8%) of cases and the commonest presenting symptoms was cough in (94%) of patients.                                                                                                                                                                   

Conclusion: Certain food items especially peanuts if given to children below the age of 2 years have to be given with caution and under close supervision. Bronchoscopy should always be considered in optimum conditions. Public health education is essential in order to prevent these avoidable problems.

Key words:    F.Bs , ENT ,Khartoum.





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