Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Ruptured Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy: A Case Report
Published date: Mar 31 2021
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 16 (2021), Issue No. 1
Pages: 76 - 80
Pregnancy in rudimentary uterine horn has been reported to be very rare in literature, and is associated with adverse complications. Furthermore, it is also difficult to diagnose, and in most cases, is diagnosed after being ruptured. A case of ruptured rudimentary uterine horn pregnancy presented at Elsaudi Maternity Hospital (Sudan). Despite her recurrent presentation for persistent suprapubic pain and frequent ultrasound scans, the uterine horn pregnancy was not detected, and the diagnosis was made during laparotomy as her condition started to deteriorate progressively due to massive internal bleeding from the ruptured uterine horn.
Keywords: rudimentary uterine horn pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, Mullerian anomalies, early pregnancy complication
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