Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
The Initial Experience of Trans-Rectal Ultrasound and Biopsy in Diagnosis of Carcinoma Prostate In Gezira Hospital For Renal Disease And Surgery (GHRDS)
Published date: May 28 2017
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 12 (2017), Issue No. 1
Pages: 25 - 32
Background: Prostate cancer prevalent cancer in males above sixty-five worldwide, this lead to the introduction of screening of the PSA and using of the transrectal ultrasound scanning, and sextant biopsy of the prostate.
Objectives: To compare the accuracy of the Transrectal Ultrasound guided biopsy (TRUS/BX) in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in Gezira Hospital for Renal Diseases and Surgery (GHRDS), with specific considerations to the digital rectal examination (DRE) findings and prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. .
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective, descriptive small-scale hospital based study. A total of 297 patients with clinically symptomatic enlarged prostate underwent transrectal ultrasound guided true cut needle biopsy of the prostate were studied in (GHRDS) in the period from June2006 to June2009.
Results: The majority 188 (63.3%) of patients were between 50-70 years of age. Abnormal digital rectal examination (DRE) like obliteration of the median sulcus, and fixed mucosa revealed higher incidence of carcinoma prostate (CaP) with a significant value (p= 0.0000). PSA level showed significant relation (p= 0.0001) with the diagnosis of carcinoma prostate. Transrectal U/S findings well correlated to the histopathological results, where abnormal findings (like hypo-echoic lesions or calcifications and cysts) showed higher incidence of malignancy in 46 patients constitute 52.8% of the abnormal U/S findings.
Conclusions and recommendations: PSA level is highly sensitive but less specific in detection of prostate cancer. Normal DRE doesn’t exclude prostate cancer, fixed mucosa and obliterated median sulcus has the highest predictors of cancer prostate in DRE. Presence of calcifications and cyst on trans-rectal ultrasound has the highest liability for cancer prostate in compare to the other ultrasonic findings.
Key words: Prostate cancer, DRE, PSA level, TRUS/ BX (Transrectal ultra sound biopsy), sextant biopsy.
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