Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

ISSN: 1858-5051

High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa

Burnout syndrome among health care workers is associated with violence against them. What needs to be done?

Published date:Oct 01 2020

Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Issue title: SJMS Special Issue 2020: Competing with COVID-19 in Sudan

Pages:128 – 135

DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v15i5.7230


Elhadi Awoodadr.alhadi@yahoo.comSudanese Medical Research Association (SAMRA)


Background: During SARS-CoV2 pandemic, patients are becoming more aggressive against health care workers when seeking their demands. Violence against Health care workers is of multifactor, and a one that strongly has associated is their burnout syndrome.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to draw a conclusion from the previous literatures about the association of violence against HCWs and their burnout syndrome. Also to find out other associated factors and solutions for this phenomenon.

Results:  HCWs are subjected to stressful situations and high pressure; of highly infectious diseases (SARS-CoV2), shortage of PPE, working for more than 24 hours’ duty, without payment or reward, difficulties in the workplace and a poor hospital administration; all’s can lead to burnout syndrome. On the other hand, patient’s demand for the high expectations of their needs and attendants' (co-patients) fearfulness, anxiousness about their patient fate. Also, patient or co-patients believes on a doctor to be the only savior, so any unexpected behavior or un sympathy from the burned-out HCWs can result in aggressiveness and violence.

Conclusion: The high prevalence of burnout syndrome among HCWs has become a global issue. A real attempt should be made focusing on the radical solution of the problem of burnout syndrome, rather than to enact laws to punish the aggressors against HCWs.


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