Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Undergraduate medical research perspective among medical students in university of Khartoum: a cross-sectional study from Sudan
Published date: Sep 30 2020
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 15 (2020), Issue No. 3
Pages: 237 – 248
Background: Research is one of the crucial factors in the advancement of health. Undergraduate medical research training is a cornerstone in medical students’ education. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of medical students toward medical research.
Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study included 200 medical students in their fifth and sixth years at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire, assessing students’ knowledge and attitudes toward medical research, which were scored out of 100. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software.
Results: Of the 200 students, 69% were females and 31% males; 81% of them held a Sudanese secondary school diploma and reported future clinical career choice. Their mean academic score was 16 out of 32 6.6 points. Students’ mean knowledge score was 36 out of 100, which was considered low. Their mean attitude score toward medical research was 48.2 out of 100, which was considered moderate.
Conclusions: This study concluded that the knowledge of fifth- and sixth-year medical students about medical research was low. However, moderately positive attitude was reported among them. It is recommended that students’ engagement in active research ought to be started early in their medical school. Additionally, more engaging and interactive methods of teaching research are endorsed to be implemented.
Keywords: attitude; knowledge; medical research; medical students; University of Khartoum
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