Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

ISSN: 1858-5051

High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa

COVID-19 in Sudan: Will the mitigation Efforts win against the Virus?

Published date: Sep 30 2020

Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 15 (2020), Issue No. 3

Pages: 259–269

DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v15i3.7130


Wadie Elmadhoun -

Amel Sulaiman -

Nassma Altayeb -

Heitham Awadalla -

Mohamed Ahmed -

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard both the affluent and poor countries. The objective of this article is to highlight the efforts of the Ministry of Health in Sudan in mitigating the pandemic and reflecting on counteracting factors. Methods: We traced the reports and plans of the Federal Ministry of Health and looked at the models projecting the pandemic in Sudan. Results: The fundamental plan of the government of Sudan to cope up with the pandemic included the control of the source of infection, blocking transmission, and preventing the spread. The response mechanism had a multi-sector approach with involvement of government, civil society organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The action plans involved protocols for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, surveillance, epidemiological investigation, and management of case contacts. However, several factors continued to jeopardize the mitigation efforts of these plans. At the time of writing this article (at the end of the May 2020), there were about 4,000 confirmed cases, 300 recoveries, and 170 deaths. Although these numbers are below the projected numbers in many proposed models, in the light of the limited testing capacity, case identification and contact tracing, the exact situation might not be ascertained. Conclusion: Sudan has prepared a national plan to prevent and contain COVID19 pandemic. However, tremendous challenges are opposing these efforts. The poor health infrastructure, fragility of the health system, and the economic crisis are the major obstructions.

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