Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Evaluation of the Adherence of Obstetricians to International Guidelines for Dispensing Misoprostol and Oxytocin in Saad Abu Ella Maternity Hospital: A Retrospective Study
Published date: Jun 25 2020
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 15 (2020), Issue No. 2
Pages: 171 – 183
Background: Misoprostol and oxytocin are commonly prescribed drugs by obstetricians to induce labor and prevent postpartum hemorrhage. In Sudan, there is no national guideline for prescribing these drugs. Thus, the prescribers follow the international guidelines. Hence, our study aimed to evaluate the adherence of Sudanese obstetricians to the international guidelines for dispensing misoprostol and oxytocin.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive hospital-based study was performed at Saad Abu Ella hospital through their medical files archived in 2018 using a checklist designed by the researcher. Collected data were analyzed and presented in frequency tables using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).
Results: A total of 357 medical files were evaluated, about 50% of cases examined was in the 25–35 years age range, multigravida pregnant ladies were 62%. General indications of oxytocin and/or misoprostol were induction of labor (17%), postpartum hemorrhage prevention (PPH) after normal vaginal delivery (NVD) (30%) and cesarean sections (32%), evacuation of incomplete miscarriage (20%), and termination of pregnancy (1%). Compared to the guidelines, only 14% were given the recommended regimens for labor induction; 9.4% of women who had undergone NVD were given the recommended regimen to prevent PPH. While, 57% and 43% of the cases with incomplete miscarriage and termination of pregnancy were given the recommended regimens, respectively. Based on the correct indication, total adherence was estimated to be 17%.
Conclusions: Higher percentages of cases with incomplete miscarriage and intrauterine fetal death were given the recommended regimens to manage them. While, lower percentages of the participants were given the recommended regimens for labor induction and to prevent PPH.
Key words: misoprostol, oxytocin, obstetricians, adherence, international guidelines
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