Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

ISSN: 1858-5051

High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa

Comparison between students’ perception and examination validity, reliability and items difficulty: a cross-sectional study

Published date: Jun 25 2020

Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 15 (2020), Issue No. 2

Pages: 114 – 123

DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v15i2.5503


Rezigalla of Basic medical sciences, College of Medicine, University of Bisha, Bisha 61922, P.O. Box 551, Saudi Arabia.

A.M.S.Eleragieleragi@gmail.comDepartment of Basic medical sciences, College of Medicine, University of Bisha, Bisha 61922, P.O. Box 551, Saudi Arabia.

Masoud Elkhalifamasoud_isaac@hotmail.comDepartment of Medical education, College of Medicine, University of Bisha, Bisha 61922, P.O. Box 551, Saudi Arabia.

Mohammed A M A amamero2002@hotmail.comCollege of Medicine. International University of Africa, Sudan.


Introduction: Students' perception of an examination reflects their feelings, while its item analysis refers to a statistical analysis of students’ responses to examination items. The study was conducted to compare the student’s perception towards examination to its item analysis. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at the college of medicine, from January to April 2019. The study used a structured questionnaire and standardized item analysis of students’ examinations. All students who had registered for semester two (2018-2019) were included in the study. Exclusion criteria included students who refused to participate in the study or those who did not fill the questionnaire.

Result:  KR-20 of the examination was 0.906.  The average difficulty index of the examination was 69.4. The response rate of the questionnaire was 88.9% (40/45). Students considered the examination to be easy (70.4%). A significant correlation was reported between student perceptions towards examination difficulty and standard examination difficulty.

Discussion: Student perceptions support the evidence of examination validity.  Students were found able to estimate examination difficulty.

Keywords: Student perception, Item analysis, Assessment, validity, reliability.  


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