Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Assessment of Vitamin D Level and Its Relation to Glycemic Control Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Khartoum State
Published date: Dec 29 2023
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 18 (2023), Issue No. 4
Pages: 444 – 452
Background: Type II diabetes is a chronic hyperglycemic disorder. Vitamin D appears to be associated with chronic disease prevention and modulation of immunity. This study was designed to associate vitamin D levels with glycemic control among type 2 diabetes mellitus in Khartoum state.
Methods: This was a prospective case-control study conducted between June and November 2021 in Khartoum, Sudan. In total, 80 individuals were included in the study, of which 40 had type 2 diabetes mellitus, while the other 40 were normal, apparently healthy individuals. Vitamin D was measured by ELISA.
Results: SPSS was used for statistical analysis. Results showed that 20% of the case group (patients with diabetes mellitus) had suboptimal vitamin D levels, whereas 80% had vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D levels were significantly decreased among the case group when compared to the control group (P-value = 0.00). The glycated hemoglobin was negatively correlated with vitamin D level (P-value = 0.017, R = –0.376).
Conclusion: In this study, a significant decrease in vitamin D was seen among people with type 2 DM. There was a weak negative correlation between hemoglobin A1C and vitamin D levels, and no significant difference in Vitamin D levels among gender and different types of treatment.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, vitamin D, glycemic control
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