Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Health Workers About Dengue Fever at Al-Hodeidah Governorate
Published date: Sep 27 2023
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 18 (2023), Issue No. 3
Pages: 338 – 357
Dengue fever (DF) is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes and is emerging as a serious global health problem. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the disease.
The aim of the study: To assess the knowledge and attitude of health workers about dengue fever in Al-Hodeidah governorate.
Subjects and methods: Descriptive research design was used in the study with convenient sampling. The current study included 337 participants.
Results: The study revealed that 53% of health workers had a fair knowledge level about dengue fever and 78.65% of them had a positive attitude about dengue fever.
Conclusion: The study concluded that about half of health workers had fair knowledge about dengue fever. While about three-quarters of them had a positive attitude about dengue fever.
Recommendations: According to the current study, educational programs for nurses and midwives on dengue fever management and prevention should be organized
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