Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1858-5051
High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa
Teledentistry in the Time of Conflict in Sudan
Published date: Sep 30 2024
Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 19 (2024), Issue No. 3
Pages: 401 – 407
Background: The War in Sudan between the Sudanese armed forces and rapid support forces has left undeniable impacts on the healthcare system which is already compromised by decades of neglect. Hospitals were bombed or occupied by conflict parties. Healthcare providers were killed or assaulted, citizens were forced to displace, and access to healthcare was impaired in many cities. Teledentistry is a modern and promising way to provide dental consultations. It is an easy, safe, and affordable solution for both patients and dental personnel in times like war. This short communication aims to urge the need to implement teledentistry to facilitate access to dental services during the current conflict in Sudan.
Methods: This article discusses teledentistry, which according to the American Teledentistry Association (ADA) is the use of electronic information, imaging, and communication technologies, such as audio, video, and data communications for oral care delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, and education. The healthcare system in Sudan is currently facing many challenges such as a lack of healthcare providers, economic crisis, inability to access dental health centers, and political instability. The application of teledentistry will facilitate access to oral healthcare and provide optimum solutions during the current conflict in Sudan.
Conclusion: Implementation of teledentistry during military conflicts is a golden solution for both patients and dental care providers as it is a time-saving, cost-effective, safe, and quick way to access oral healthcare services.
Keywords: teledentistry, conflict, oral health, dentists, war
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