KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Effect of Teacher Competency and Teaching Commitment to Student Learning Results Machining Engineering Skills Program
Published date: Mar 25 2019
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 3rd UNJ International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2018 (3rd ICTVET 2018)
Pages: 645–652
This research is intended to find; (1) the influence of teachers on student learning outcomes; (2) the influence of commitment to student learning outcomes; And (3) the influence of teachers and commitment to student learning outcomes. The research population is all students of machining technique of Vocational High School 34 Jakarta and productive teacher, the sample is the 10th grade students of machining technique as many as 31 students and productive teachers as many as 12 people. The method in this research is survey method with associative approach. The study used secondary data technique with questionnaire; And primary data of learning result of even semester. Data analysis technique used is simple regression, multiple regression, and F test with significance level 0,05. The results showed; (1) there is a positive influence of teacher competence on student learning result F test of 17,15> Ftable 3,32 equal to 13,8%; (2) there is no positive effect on student learning outcomes test result Fcount 1.44> Ftable 3.32 of 1.6%; (3) there is a positive influence of teacher competence and learning commitment of student learning result of Fcount 5,65> Ftable 3,32, 31,02%.
Keywords: teacher competence, teaching commitment, student learning outcomes.
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