KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

The Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and LDL Cholesterol Male Sprague Dawley Rats Given High Fat Diet and Mung Bean Sprouts (Phaseolus radiatus L.)

Published date: Mar 10 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The UGM Annual Scientific Conference Life Sciences 2016

Pages: 26–35

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i11.3849


Lifestyle changes with high fat food consumption are one of the factors the risks of cardiovascular diseases like coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. The formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the walls of blood vessels initiated by the absorption of LDL through the blood to the endothelial cells that cause LDL is oxidized by the Reactive Oxygen Species, which initiated in the pathogenesis of human hypertension. Mung bean sprouts contain antioxidant compounds can be used as a functional food in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Male Sprague-Dawley was 24 at 8 wk and it is divided into four groups. The first group was given the standard diet, the second group was given a high-fat diet, the third group was given a high-fat diet, and mung bean sprouts 1 mL ⋅ 200 gBW−1, the fourth group was given a high-fat feed and
supplements of vitamin E dose of 23 IU. Blood pressure and LDL concentration were measured after the treatment. Systolic Blood pressure and levels of LDL cholesterol who were given mung bean sprouts and vitamin E has no statistical difference with group of normal. Levels of blood pressure and LDL cholesterol have a positive correlation. Mung Bean sprouts give the effect of a decrease in blood pressure and impeded elevated
levels of LDL male Sprague Dawley rats.

Keywords: Blood pressure, High fat diet, LDL cholesterol, Mung bean sprouts, Sprague Dawley rats.


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