KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Village Funding Allocation for Improving the Use of Long-Acting and Permanent Methods of Contraception (LAPM) in West Nusa Tenggara Province
Published date: Feb 28 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 3rd International Meeting of Public Health and the 1st Young Scholar Symposium on Public Health
Pages: 402–410
Indonesia has managed to control the rate of population growth through family planning programs, but the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is still stagnant, even higher than ASEAN countries. LAPM was an effective method of delaying, distancing pregnancy recommended by the governments. West Nusa Tenggara was a province with high TFR, low Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) and low LAPM in family planning (FP). Decentralization should strengthen institutional support for family planning at the village level. John Hopskin University through University oI Health Research Center and Yayasan Cipta Cara Padu (YCCP) has initiated advocacy of Village Law No. 6/2014 for the interest of family planning programs. This study aimed to see the effect of family planning allocation on village funding in increasing the use of LAPM in West Nusa Tenggara. This research was quantitative research, conducted by cross-sectional design by using chi-square bivariate analysis with secondary data of end line survey of Improving Contraceptive Method Mix Project (ICMM) held by Jhon Hopskin University in collaboration with Yayasan Cipta Cara Padu (YCCP) and Center for Health Research UI in 2016. The results showed there was the influence of village funding allocation for FP to increase the use of LAPM with p-value 0.028. The most significant districts were Sumbawa and West Lombok. From 7281 women studied, 6002 people (82.4%) used in LAPM, 1279 people (17.6%) used LAPM, most of them in villages with village funding allocation for FP above 7 million, i.e. 658 people (51.4%). The number of villages reaching LAPM target in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) 2016 was (21.1%) 37 villages out of 121 villages (30.6%). Recommendation of this research, there should be village-level health advocacy intervention in various regions by allocating village fund above IDR 7,00,.000, for the strengthening of the FP program to support the use of LAPM. Access barriers in the use of LAPM could be overcome by the use of funds other than for counseling, counseling, could an also be used for acceptor transport, and transport cadres that deliver acceptors to health facilities.
Keywords: Village Funding, LAPM, Family Planning.
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