KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Factors Related to the Incidence of Hypertension Among Prospective Pilgrims in Medan, Indonesia During Embarkation Period 2016

Published date: Feb 28 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 3rd International Meeting of Public Health and the 1st Young Scholar Symposium on Public Health

Pages: 261–268

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i10.3728


Hypertension is a silent, invisible killer that rarely causes symptoms. This study was designed to determine the predominant risk factors of hypertension among prospective pilgrims in Medan, Indonesia during embarkation period 2016 that took time less than 24 hours. Study of possible risk factors for hypertension conduct in Medan,
Indonesia during embarkation period using secondary data obtained from Integrated Computerized Hajj Health System. Secondary data collected from involved a total 6.597 prospective pilgrims as the eligible subject. The incidence of hypertension among prospective pilgrims in Medan, Indonesia (26.2%) is higher than its prevalence (25.8%) and in North Sumatera (24.7%). Chi-Square bivariate analysis with Odds Ratio resulted in the incidence of hypertension related to age, gender, education, work, diabetes mellitus, and overweight/obesity. Logistic regression analysis exhibited diabetes Mellitus disease (OR=1.918 [95% CI: 1.613-2.280] p=0.001) as the predominant risk factor of hypertension after being controlled by age, overweight/obesity, gender, education,
and work. These results indicated that optimal strategy needed to reduce modifiable risk factors of hypertension by carrying out the medical examination for prospective pilgrims earlier than nowadays, e.g., 1-2 years before embarkation period since the results expected of behavior changes to prevention and control of hypertension. Health officer should pay more attention to those with age ≥60 and diabetes melitus to prevent
the incidence of hypertension in Arab Saudi.

Keywords: hypertension, Integrated Computerized Hajj Health System, risk factor,
odds ratio.


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