KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Optimizing the Cognitive Abilities of Students Through Learning Methods and Web-Enhanced Course Media
Published date: Jul 14 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Research Conference on Economics and Business
Pages: 374–383
The learning process focuses on results and only includes educational innovation in the pedagogical realm. The rapid development of technology allows educational actors to not only focus innovation on one criterion but on several important factors that can improve the development of students’ knowledge and skills (Owusu & Larbi, 2018). Collaboration between the learning methods used by teachers and learning media, especially web-enhanced courses, is expected to improve students’ cognitive abilities. This study used simple descriptive methods and linear regression to examine the optimization of students’ cognitive abilities through a web-enhanced course. The data were obtained from questionnaires that were filled out by 45 teachers of SMK Pawytan Daha 1 Kediri. The web-enhanced course improved the students’ level of understanding. From this research, it can be concluded that the world of education, especially teachers, should include learning methods and media to support the optimization of student’ cognitive abilities.
Keywords: Learning Methods, Web-Enhanced Course, Student Cognitive
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