KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Augmented Reality Character Topeng Malang Dewi as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Student Learning Media
Published date: Mar 01 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture
Pages: 258–265
The preservation of the cultural and artistic heritage of our ancestors is important for us to persevere as a species. The purpose of this research was to introduce Indonesian culture, especially Topeng Malang, to the Indonesian society, particularly the teenagers, using 3D character media, implemented through augmented reality. The study followed the development research method of Borg WR and Gall MD. 3D characters were designed using the low poly subdivision surface technique, with a minimum number of poly but maintaining the detail of the character. Based on the results of the data analysis, the following essential points were obtained: (1) The character design of the Topeng Malang adopted the figures of Dewi Sekartaji and Dewi Walangwati. (2) The character design of the Topeng Malang character represented the posture, nature, and characteristics of the style. The result of this design was the implementation of 3-dimensional masks and character transformation in augmented reality media. Based on the results and the questionnaires used by the author to gather users’ knowledge of the character shape of the augmented reality media of the mask, 49.3% of the responses were found to be very good and 46.4% good. These results certainly add to the positive values of utilizing the 3D character media as a medium to introduce Wayang Topeng Malangan.
Keywords: Topeng Malang, 3D character model
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