KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Lexicon in Batik and Tapis Cloth of Lampung, Indonesia: Ecolinguistics Study
Published date: Mar 01 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture
Pages: 72–88
Language and environment are correlated. When producing language, either orally or written, or in the forms of symbols, humans are connected to the things around them. Ecolinguistics is the bridge to look at the correlation between language and environment. Descriptive qualitative ecolinguistics research was employed in this research. The purpose of this research was to describe the lexicon in batik motif and tapis cloth. Data in the form of biotic and abiotic were collected from batik motif and tapis cloth of Lampung. They were obtained through direct observation. The research results consist of two categories: biotic (flora and fauna) and abiotic (landscape and man-made). Firstly, the biotic category in the form of flora covers Hayat tree, coffee, Ashar flower, sembagi, while the fauna category covers elephants, dolphins, and butterflies. Secondly, the abiotic components were in the form of a landscape category such as the mountains, hills, hillsides, and a man-made category covering siger and ship. Based on the results, batik motif and tapis cloth of Lampung have a very close relationship with the surrounding because the motif represents the lexicon around the Lampung community life.
Keywords: batik, tapis, ecolinguistics, Lampung, local wisdom
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