KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Process of Noun Formation in Slang Language Used in Pematang Karangan Hilir Village in Tapin District

Published date: Mar 01 2021

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture

Pages: 62–71

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i3.8528


Dana PGRI Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin

Isna KasmilawatiSTKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin


Language is a daily communication tool. The Banjar Hulu language is a language used by the people of Pematang Karangan Hilir Village, in Tapin Regency. However, this is not the only language used by this community. When the conversation is considered confidential or limited to their group, they turn into a “secret language,” formed by adding certain suffixes to form new words. The purpose of this study was to determine the shape and process of forming the secret language (classified as slang/clandestine language) in the form of nouns in Pematang Karangan Hilir Village. The study used a qualitative method, and data in the form of utterance used in the conversation in the village of Pematang Karangan Hilir were collected using recording and analysed to find out the forms and process of forming the slang. The results show the process of words formation by following criteria: (1) slang in the form of nouns were found in (i) single, (ii) affixed, and (iii) repetition forms; (2) The process of forming slang in the form of nouns was found with the formation patterns (i) ja + s.nt, (ii) ja + s.nt + p, (iii) ja + s.nb, (iv) ja + s.nt + ja + s. nt, and (v) ja + s.nt + ja + s.nt + p.

Keywords: slang languages, forms, formation processes


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