KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Developing Materials of Literary Appreciation of Peace-loving Short Stories to Boost the National Characters through Learning Management System (LMS)

Published date: Mar 01 2021

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture

Pages: 37–44

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i3.8520


Agelgara Kusumo Putro -

Endah Tri Priyatni

Yuni Pratiwi


Peace-loving-themed short stories have some potential to reconstruct national characters. Such characters are paramount in response to the lack of tolerance during the millennial era. Such short stories can be implemented through various modes, one of them being short-story appreciation. When the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, the government suggested shifting schools to online learning. One of the online learning platforms used in Indonesia is the Learning Management System (LMS). The purpose of the current research is to develop via LMS instructional materials for short-stories appreciation using peace-loving-themed short stories that aim at strengthening national characters. This study used the research and development design proposed by Borg and Gall. The instructional materials developed are in the form of e-learning website which consists of formulated tasks of short stories appreciation. The validation test shows that this type of learning material is valid and applicable to be used. The instructional material includes contents focusing on the theme of peace-loving stories. Moreover, the aspects of national characters boosted by this type of material includes tolerance, equality, altruism (caring for others), empathy, and sympathy, which are depicted through the characters in the stories. The forms of tasks are also designed in a way to expose the national characters conveyed in the stories.

Keywords: materials, peace-loving short stories, national characters, LMS


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