KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Digital Transformation of HR Technologies

Published date: Jan 21 2021

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: XXIII International Conference Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research Conference

Pages: 191–199

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i2.8352


T.V. Suvalovasuvalova.t@yandex.ruState University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation

O.S. SuvalovState University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation

E.V. KashtanovaState University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation


This article involves a study of the personnel management technologies digitalization degree based on the results of the SAP, Deloitte and Hays report, published in 2019. The analysis demonstrated HR automatization dependence on the size and specialization of organizations. The larger the company, the more complex personnel management processes are. The article defines four digitalization levels from the paper approach to the active use of artificial intelligence systems. Industries with the highest automatization percentage are identified. The article takes a closer look at personnel recruitment, selection, adaptation and training practices performed with the use of appropriate tools and programs. Among the most laborious recruitment functions stand communication with potential candidates, testing and interviewing, especially in cases of mass recruitment. Specialized programs that process CVs, build ratings, conduct video interviews and online testing to optimize recruiter’s work. The advantages of chatbots and messengers for adaptation digitalization are pointed out. Most executives have a positive attitude to the transition to new automated HR methods. The role of e-learning and software training is outlined, and the advantages of webinars, test constructors, and distance learning implementation are analyzed. It is noted that one third of Russian companies are actively automatizing employee training and development technologies. The article also highlights the most important personnel management processes that demand digital transformation in the first place. The automatization necessity of management accounting, effectiveness analysis of the current HR system, and benefits calculation is justified. Gamification advantages are outlined, as they are used in adaptation, training and personnel assessment processes. Senior management, HR executives and information services role in moving to a new level of personnel management is emphasized. VTB, VTB 24 and Sberbank spendings on automated HR systems are reasoned. Conclusions on the need to invest in digital transformation of HR processes are drawn.

Keywords: personnel management, technologies, digitalization, process


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