KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

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Family Factors Affecting Adolescents’ Happiness During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Published date: Jan 05 2021

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference of Psychology

Pages: 32–40

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v4i15.8187


Hepi of Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Resnia NovitasariDepartement of Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Fitri Ayu KusumaningrumDepartement of Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to large-scale behavioral changes and a significant psychological burden. This study aims to determine the effect of parent-adolescent relationships and parental marital quality on adolescents’ happiness during the pandemic. The research subjects were male and female adolescents between the ages of 18-21 that studied at state and private universities and lived with their parents. A binary logistic regression technique was used to examine the independence of the association between perceived parent-adolescent relationship, parental marital quality, sex, and allowance with happiness during the pandemic. The logistic regression analysis results showed that only two independent variables, namely perceived parent-adolescent relationship and parental marital quality, made a unique statistically significant contribution to the model. However, the strongest predictor was perceived parental marital quality, which recorded an odds ratio of 7.25.

Keywords: adolescent happiness, parent-adolescent relationship, parental marital quality, covid-19 pandemic


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