KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Network Strategy of Integrated Service Centers for Women and Children Empowerment Actors in Strengthening Institutions in the Socio-Cultural Environment of Palembang City, South Sumatera
Published date: Nov 11 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (IC-HEDS) 2019
Pages: 389–397
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the strategies used to strengthen the network of the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment Palembang (P2TP2A) actors. Previous studies on the actor networking model showed that the implementation of the P2TP2A actor network did not occur in accordance with the government mandate. This shows the need to identify suitable strategies so that the functions and objectives of the P2TP2A actor network can be achieved optimally in accordance with government policies. The study design used in this study is exploratory descriptive. Primary and secondary data sources are used. Data collection was done via group discussion forums (integrated discussion) and cross-checked through in-depth interviews. The informants in the study are the actors involved as administrators of the P2TP2A Palembang. The results of the study on the analysis of actor network strategies P2TP2A is to indwell P2TP2A by increasing sensitivity and gender awareness (focal point) of every actor involved in the P2TP2A team so that the network actors of P2TP2A can be strengthened. The researcher recommends the modification of the mayor regulation on the formation of the P2TP2A team policy, especially regarding the mechanism and working procedures of planning and compilation of activities, implementation and evaluation that can be considered for planning activities or actions for the coming year.
Keywords: P2TP2A, actor networking, strategy
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