KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
SEforRA: A Bibliometrics-ready Academic Digital Library Search Engine Alternative
Published date: Nov 11 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (IC-HEDS) 2019
Pages: 206–218
Naturally, not all researchers can develop their own software to search for academic publications from digital libraries. Nevertheless, at several stages of their research, they will need to search digital libraries for relevant scientific publications and bibliometric information. There are typically two approaches used by researchers to search for scientific publications: (i) using Google Scholar search, or (ii) using publication metadata available from several sources, such as CrossRef and publishers. However, in developing countries like Indonesia, neither option provided users with complete information, since (i) Google Scholar does not provide bibliometric details, and (ii) complete bibliometric information from other sources is often not available due to incomplete data (e.g., CrossRef) or the necessity to pay a subscription fee (e.g., Springer and Elsevier). The development of Search Engine for Research Articles (SEforRA) is a solution to this issue which provides researchers with bibliometricready publication metadata. SEforRA extracts and processes data from CrossRef, publishers, and other sources to provide an integrated platform for researchers to search and retrieve publication metadata, which is ready to use further in their research.
Keywords: search engine for research articles, academic search engines, text data mining, bibliometrics
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