KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Misconception of Teachers’ and Students’ Knowledge Regarding Puberty in Higher Elementary Education

Published date: Nov 11 2020

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (IC-HEDS) 2019

Pages: 135–141

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v4i14.7865


Erry Program, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Nurfadhilah .Public Health Faculty, University of Muhamadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Otib Satibi HidayatPostgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Jatu Wahyu WicaksonoPostgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Alrahmat ArifPostgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


The Indonesian Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey (Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia-SKRRI)h ighlights the lack of knowledge amongst adolescents regarding puberty. Other studies have identified the limited advice from parents, because parents and teachers frequently opt not to discuss experiences related to adolescent reproductive health. This study aims to understand the perception of teachers and students in higher grades with regards to puberty. The study used a qualitative approach, collecting data via in-depth interviews with teachers and students. There were seven informants, consisting of five teachers and two students studying in grade IV-VI from two schools in North Jakarta. The study shows teachers, as well as students, often had only a limited understanding of puberty and considered it a vulgar subject which should not be discussed. Teacher capacity building is needed regarding the material and delivery methods of puberty content.

Keywords: puberty, higher grade, elementary school


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