KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Development Educational Material Topeng Malang with the Augmented Reality for Supporting Character
Published date: Sep 02 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies
Pages: 631–639
Strengthening the quality of education, especially in the arts and culture, in Indonesia is very important. This can be achieved via the application of technology. Malang is a city that has a lot of traditional cultures, such as masks (Topeng), of which there are about 67 designs. It is a challenge in developing learning materials for Topeng Malang. The influence of the inclusion of modern styles is one of the factors stimulating the decline of Malang people’s insights related to traditional culture such as Topeng Malang. This research is related to the strengthening of Topeng Malang education media material by using AR technology. This research focuses on insightful content relating to characters in Topeng Malang, especially for supporting models. This research is carried out through descriptive procedural models, which must be followed to produce a development product — data was obtained by interview, data observation, and documentation. Observation data consisted of reference data for the description of supporting character models namely Pranajiwa and Emban, visuals in the form of Topeng Malang, library data and surveys from the target audience.
Keywords: Topeng Malang, Augmented Reality, Support character model
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