KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Dhemes Concept on Visual Branding of Laweyan Batik Surakarta
Published date: Sep 02 2020
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies
Pages: 362–388
Batik etiquette, commonly known as batik stamp, is part of a promotion that serves as a differentiator from similar products. The existence of Surakarta batik etiquette was born as an effort to gain legitimacy in the community, emerging in the 1930s it was motivated by the dynamics of social and political change. The emergence of batik etiquette with a tendency to prioritise visual patterns in Surakarta is apparent in the visual structure of most Surakarta batik etiquettes. In this study it is suspected that the characteristic character of batik etiquette is related to the views and nature of thought of the people at that time. In this case the concept of dhemes is also thought to be reflected in visual patterns and arrangements in the batik etiquette of Kampung Kauman and Laweyan Surakarta. The existence of batik etiquette which was motivated by socio-political changes had an impact on changing people’s perceptions about products which in turn impacted perceptions about visual order. Etiquette status is not merely a marker of a product, but also plays a role in changing the perception of the product. Etiquette is interpreted as a form of actualization of batik producers in their respective regions. Batik etiquette as an art product is not only a personal expression, but also as a representation of the social order. At a further level art products become media to mark changes in social perception.
Keywords: dhemes, batik etiquette, laweyan
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